Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Household food waste disposer

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  • Household kitchen food wastes grinder machine
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  • Household kitchen food wastes grinder machine
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Household kitchen food wastes grinder machine

● Reduce the bad smell of waste in the kitchen.

● Reduce the possibility of breeding cockroaches and bacteria.

● Making cleaning household waste a clean and easy job.

● Conducive to maintaining the sanitation environment of stairwells and residential quarters.

Inquiry Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.




Grinding cavity


Product type






Grinding system

Centrifugal force



Grinding ring




Grinding power

Alloy cutting head

Horse power


Grinding assembly

Stainless steel



Sound insulated

Blimp+Soundproof cotton

Electric current


Diameter range


Rotating speed


Switching mode

Air switch


Permanent DC motor

Damping system

Overall Damping

Shaft material

Stainless steel

Overload device

Overheat, overload protection

Installation system

Alloy Express install

Protection switch

Hand reset

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Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Under the umbrella of Zhejiang Chenkai Electric Co., Ltd., we proudly own our manufacturing facility called Zhejiang Hengran Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. As a testament to our commitment to environmental protection, our factory plays a vital role in supporting our endeavors.

Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2011 and is located in the beautiful hot spring city of Wuyi. It is a modern comprehensive enterprise specializing in the research, development, production, sales, and service of food waste disposers.

The company always adheres to the development concept of "technology innovation", strictly controls product quality, and controls product quality throughout the entire process of product design and development, incoming material inspection, production process inspection, finished product inspection, etc. in accordance with the ISO9001 quality management system. At present, we have multiple modern food waste disposer production lines and workshops, all of which use advanced production and inspection equipment both domestically and internationally. We have also hired senior technical talents to constantly break through our product innovation. Our products are exported to various countries such as Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Southeast Asia, and are highly praised by our customers.

Looking ahead, Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. always adheres to the corporate spirit of fairness, friendliness, competition, hard work, and participation, establishes a good scientific development concept, continuously improves product functionality and quality, and always maintains a good service level, continues to innovate and explore in the field of food waste disposer and always committed to providing better food waste disposal products for billions of households worldwide.


  • RoHS
  • CB
  • UL
  • CE
  • CE
  • W-2560-18CNL Report

Household food waste disposer Industry knowledge

How is the adoption of Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines shaping the future of sustainable waste management and resource utilization in residential settings?

The incorporation of Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines marks a significant advancement in the realm of sustainable waste management within residential environments. This innovative technology offers an efficient and eco-friendly solution to handle kitchen food waste, leading to a host of benefits for both the environment and homeowners.

1. Waste Reduction and Landfill Diversion:

Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines play a crucial role in waste reduction by grinding food scraps into smaller particles, making them easier to manage. These ground food waste particles can be repurposed for composting or even converted into biogas through anaerobic digestion. This diversion from landfills reduces methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, while contributing to overall waste reduction goals.

2. Resource Recovery and Circular Economy:

By grinding food waste into usable materials, these machines support the principles of the circular economy. The ground waste can be turned into nutrient-rich compost, which can be used to enrich soil and support sustainable agriculture. Similarly, the biogas generated from food waste can be harnessed for energy production, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels.

3. Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact:

Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines are designed to be energy-efficient, using minimal electricity to grind and process food waste. This aligns with broader environmental sustainability goals by conserving energy resources and reducing carbon emissions associated with waste transportation and landfill decomposition.

4. Consumer Behavior and Awareness:

The presence of these machines in households encourages a shift in consumer behavior toward more responsible waste management practices. Homeowners become more conscious of the amount of food they waste and are motivated to separate and utilize food scraps efficiently. This shift can influence overall consumption patterns and instill a sense of environmental responsibility.

5. Localized Waste Management:

By processing food waste at the source, these machines contribute to localized waste management solutions. This reduces the burden on municipal waste collection systems and decreases the need for long-distance transportation of waste to distant landfill sites. As a result, the carbon footprint associated with waste management is significantly reduced.

6. Challenges and Considerations:

While Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines offer numerous benefits, challenges include proper maintenance to avoid clogs, consumer education on usage, and potential impacts on wastewater treatment systems. Ensuring compatibility with local infrastructure and regulations is also essential for successful adoption.

7. Technology Integration and Design Evolution:

As technology continues to advance, these machines are likely to become more efficient, user-friendly, and integrated with smart home systems. This evolution could further enhance their adoption by making them seamlessly fit into modern households' lifestyles.

8. Policy and Regulation Implications:

The adoption of Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines could lead to the need for updated waste management policies and regulations. Local governments may need to develop guidelines for waste processing at the household level, taking into account potential impacts on wastewater systems and resource recovery initiatives.

the adoption of Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines is paving the way for a more sustainable and responsible approach to waste management in residential settings. Through waste reduction, resource recovery, energy efficiency, and changed consumer behaviors, these machines contribute to a future where waste is treated as a valuable resource, aligning with broader environmental sustainability objectives.

How is the Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machine revolutionizing residential kitchens by addressing food waste challenges and promoting sustainable practices?

1. Efficient Food Waste Management:

The Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machine tackles food waste at its source by efficiently grinding food scraps into smaller particles. This process not only reduces the volume of waste generated but also makes it easier to handle and process. By breaking down food waste into manageable fragments, the machine enables homeowners to incorporate waste into composting systems or wastewater treatment, thereby reducing the burden on landfills.

2. Minimizing Environmental Impact:

Food waste in landfills contributes significantly to methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. By diverting food scraps from landfills, the grinder machine directly addresses this issue. The machine's ability to process food waste locally reduces the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and landfill operations, making a positive impact on environmental conservation efforts.

3. Resource Recovery and Circular Economy:

The ground food waste generated by the machine can be utilized as a valuable resource rather than discarded as waste. The resulting material can be composted to enrich soil, promoting sustainable agriculture practices. Additionally, some wastewater treatment facilities can harness the ground food waste to produce biogas, contributing to renewable energy generation and a circular economy approach.

4. Changing Consumer Behavior:

The presence of the Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machine in residential kitchens fosters a shift in consumer behavior toward responsible waste management. Homeowners become more conscious of the food they discard and are motivated to use the machine to minimize waste. This behavioral change can have a ripple effect, extending beyond food waste management to broader sustainable lifestyle choices.

5. User-Friendly Integration:

Modern iterations of the machine are designed with user-friendliness in mind. Integration with kitchen sinks and plumbing systems allows for seamless operation. As technology advances, these machines are likely to become smarter, offering features such as automated operation, compatibility with smart home systems, and real-time waste tracking.

6. Addressing Challenges and Education:

While the machine presents numerous benefits, challenges include proper usage, maintenance, and potential impacts on plumbing systems. Consumer education and clear guidelines are crucial to ensure optimal use and prevent issues like clogs and system failures.

7. Scalability and Infrastructure Impact:

The widespread adoption of Household Kitchen Food Wastes Grinder Machines has the potential to impact existing wastewater treatment infrastructure. Municipal systems might need to be upgraded to accommodate increased food waste processing at the household level, while also ensuring proper treatment to avoid any adverse environmental consequences.

8. Regulatory Considerations:

As the adoption of these machines becomes more prevalent, policymakers may need to establish guidelines and regulations for their installation and usage. This includes ensuring compatibility with local wastewater treatment systems, addressing potential environmental concerns, and promoting uniform standards.