Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Household food waste disposer

Home / Product / Household food waste disposer / Model HR-DM-3A 375W 1/2 HP 120-220V smart food waste disposer
  • Model HR-DM-3A 375W 1/2 HP 120-220V smart food waste disposer
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  • Model HR-DM-3A 375W 1/2 HP 120-220V smart food waste disposer
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Model HR-DM-3A 375W 1/2 HP 120-220V smart food waste disposer

HR-3A-RL model is very popular all around the world, The small body can greatly alleviate the space under the kitchen sink. This machine is equipped with a 1/2 horsepower DC permanent magnet motor, which has a longer service life. At the same time, the machine is also equipped with a rotating buckle for easy installation. This machine also has the advantages of low noise and fine grinding.

Inquiry Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.


For the technology data, please note below:



Grinding cavity


Product type







Centrifugal force



Grinding ring

Two pieces



Grinding power

Alloy cutting head

Horse power


Grinding assembly

Stainless steel



Sound insulated

1/2 Blimp

Electric current


Diameter range


Rotating speed


Switching mode

Air switch


Permanent DC motor

Damping system

Overall Damping

Shaft material

Stainless steel

Overload device

Overheat, overload protection

Installation system

Alloy Express installed

Protection switch

Hand reset

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Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Under the umbrella of Zhejiang Chenkai Electric Co., Ltd., we proudly own our manufacturing facility called Zhejiang Hengran Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. As a testament to our commitment to environmental protection, our factory plays a vital role in supporting our endeavors.

Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2011 and is located in the beautiful hot spring city of Wuyi. It is a modern comprehensive enterprise specializing in the research, development, production, sales, and service of food waste disposers.

The company always adheres to the development concept of "technology innovation", strictly controls product quality, and controls product quality throughout the entire process of product design and development, incoming material inspection, production process inspection, finished product inspection, etc. in accordance with the ISO9001 quality management system. At present, we have multiple modern food waste disposer production lines and workshops, all of which use advanced production and inspection equipment both domestically and internationally. We have also hired senior technical talents to constantly break through our product innovation. Our products are exported to various countries such as Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Southeast Asia, and are highly praised by our customers.

Looking ahead, Zhejiang HengRan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. always adheres to the corporate spirit of fairness, friendliness, competition, hard work, and participation, establishes a good scientific development concept, continuously improves product functionality and quality, and always maintains a good service level, continues to innovate and explore in the field of food waste disposer and always committed to providing better food waste disposal products for billions of households worldwide.


  • RoHS
  • CB
  • UL
  • CE
  • CE
  • W-2560-18CNL Report

Household food waste disposer Industry knowledge

How does the implementation of Smart Food Waste Disposers contribute to more efficient waste management and sustainable consumption practices?

In an era of advancing technology and growing environmental consciousness, the concept of Smart Food Waste Disposers (SFWDs) has emerged as a potential game-changer in the realm of waste management and sustainable consumption. SFWDs represent a fusion of traditional household waste disposal systems with cutting-edge IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities, offering a range of features designed to optimize food waste management. The adoption of SFWDs holds promise for revolutionizing the way households deal with food waste and can contribute significantly to efficient waste management and sustainable consumption practices.

Real-Time Monitoring and Management:

One of the key advantages of SFWDs is their ability to provide real-time monitoring and management of food waste. Equipped with sensors and connectivity features, these devices can track the quantity and types of food waste being disposed of. This data can be transmitted to a central system, providing valuable insights for households and local authorities. Such information can help identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for waste reduction and better resource allocation.

Automated Sorting and Separation:

SFWDs have the potential to incorporate automated sorting and separation mechanisms, allowing users to dispose of different types of waste into designated compartments. By sorting recyclable materials, organic waste, and non-recyclables at the source, SFWDs simplify the waste separation process and improve the quality of materials for downstream recycling and treatment facilities. This level of automation not only enhances waste management efficiency but also encourages sustainable disposal habits.

Data-Driven Insights for Behavior Change:

The data collected by SFWDs can be leveraged to encourage behavior change among households. By analyzing disposal patterns and offering personalized feedback, these devices can help users become more conscious of their food waste generation. This feedback loop can drive a shift towards more sustainable consumption practices, such as reducing over-purchasing, optimizing meal planning, and minimizing food waste.

Integration with Smart Grids and Energy Recovery:

SFWDs can be integrated into smart grids and energy management systems, enabling them to operate during off-peak hours when energy demand is lower. This not only reduces the overall energy consumption of the devices but also supports grid stability. Additionally, the potential for energy recovery from food waste can be maximized through intelligent coordination with local energy production and distribution networks.

Challenges and Considerations:

Despite the promising potential of SFWDs, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. Privacy and data security concerns associated with IoT devices must be carefully managed to protect user information. Furthermore, there is a need for standardized waste categorization and disposal guidelines to ensure consistent behavior among users. Additionally, the cost of implementing SFWDs and potential disparities in access to this technology across different socioeconomic groups require careful consideration.

The integration of Smart Food Waste Disposers into households represents a convergence of technology, waste management, and sustainable consumption practices. Through real-time monitoring, automated sorting, data-driven insights, and integration with energy systems, SFWDs offer a multifaceted approach to addressing food waste challenges. However, successful adoption will depend on effective stakeholder collaboration, clear regulatory frameworks, and public awareness campaigns that highlight the benefits of SFWDs in optimizing waste management, reducing environmental impact, and promoting sustainable lifestyles. As the technology matures, SFWDs have the potential to drive positive change and contribute to a more resource-efficient and environmentally conscious society.

How is the integration of Smart Food Waste Disposers transforming kitchen sustainability and waste reduction in modern households?

The advent of technology has led to innovative solutions in various aspects of daily life, including waste management and sustainability practices. Smart Food Waste Disposers (SFWDs) are a prime example of this convergence, offering an intelligent approach to addressing food waste challenges in modern households. These devices combine advanced sensors, connectivity, and data analytics to revolutionize the way kitchen waste is managed. The integration of SFWDs holds the potential to transform kitchen sustainability and drive significant reductions in food waste.

Real-Time Monitoring and Insights:

One of the standout features of SFWDs is their real-time monitoring capabilities. Equipped with sensors, these devices can accurately measure and analyze the types and quantities of food waste being disposed of. This data is then relayed to a central system, providing users with insights into their consumption and disposal patterns. Armed with this information, households can make more informed decisions about meal planning, portion sizes, and purchasing habits, ultimately reducing food waste at the source.

Behavioral Change through Feedback Loop:

SFWDs facilitate a feedback loop that drives positive behavioral change. By presenting users with data on their disposal habits, these devices encourage individuals to reflect on their consumption practices. The knowledge that their waste generation is being quantified and analyzed can prompt users to be more mindful about their choices, leading to a shift towards sustainable consumption behaviors and reduced food waste.

Optimized Waste Sorting and Disposal:

Many SFWDs offer the capability to sort and separate different types of waste. With intuitive user interfaces, users can dispose of food waste, recyclables, and non-recyclables into designated compartments. This automated sorting simplifies waste separation and improves the quality of recyclable materials, making downstream recycling processes more efficient and effective. The integration of waste sorting mechanisms enhances overall waste management efficiency.

Smart Energy Management and Efficiency:

SFWDs can be integrated into smart home systems, enabling them to operate during periods of low energy demand. This smart energy management approach not only reduces the environmental footprint of the devices but also contributes to overall energy efficiency. The potential for energy recovery from food waste can be maximized through integration with local energy grids, creating a circular economy where waste becomes a valuable resource.

Community-Level Impact:

The collective adoption of SFWDs across communities can have a cascading effect on waste reduction and sustainability. When households within a neighborhood or building complex adopt these devices, the combined data and efforts can lead to larger-scale waste reduction. Community-level initiatives, such as waste reduction challenges or rewards for sustainable practices, can further amplify the impact of SFWDs in promoting sustainable living.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the potential benefits of SFWDs are significant, there are challenges that require attention. Privacy and data security concerns related to the collection and transmission of user data must be addressed to ensure user trust. Additionally, accessibility and affordability should be considered to ensure that this technology is accessible to a wide range of households, regardless of income levels.

The integration of Smart Food Waste Disposers into modern households represents a powerful convergence of technology and sustainability. By offering real-time insights, encouraging behavioral change, optimizing waste sorting, and contributing to smart energy management, SFWDs have the potential to drive substantial reductions in food waste and promote more responsible consumption practices. As the technology continues to evolve and gain traction, collaborative efforts between technology developers, policymakers, and consumers will play a crucial role in realizing the full potential of SFWDs in transforming kitchen sustainability and waste reduction on a global scale.